Thursday, August 8, 2024

08/2024 Torsdag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Happiness Happens Day

I am happiest at the Old Mill or the SVAFC or with my grandson/great grandsons or lunching with a good friend or being around art/photos.  Need to try harder to do these things.

Today's Name Day: Silvia, Sylvia

    I had plans for today but decided to take a day off to rest.  My hip pain is back a little bit so I spent the day with pain cream on & my heating pad on high.  Hope it helps.  And my depression is worse today also. Always fun,

    Great weather today.  Rain moved in last night around 1-2am.  We had a great thunderstorm.  Lots of lightning & thunder.  Amd rain.  Not emptied my rain gauge yet.  Maybe got an inch or so.  And today our temp was in the 70s only  Heaven on earth!!!  Right now it is 69.  I know in a week or so we are back to the 90s that the weatherman cheerfully reported.  Love him.  NOT.  Our one weatherman & one news lady both prefer cooler weather and say it often.  Good for them.

    Everyone was lazy today.  Cinder stayed in until after I had lunch.  She got her slice of ham & was happy.  Backp outside now..  Nice for her.

    Lindsborg has had a viaduct for years.  They are tearing it down now.  I don't like that.  We keep losing things that have always been there  But no one would ask me or care what I wanted   We lost 2 old historic buildings without any effort to save either of them.  So sad.

    I am ready for the Olympics to be over.  I do not care for the summer olympics.  Love the winter olympics.  And no late night talk shows on.  Horrible TV late at night the last 2 weeks.  No bueno.

    My laptop is not working right.  I cannot see my cursor,  Odd.  Confusing

    I got cookies with my last meal delivery.  Not sure if I would like them or not.  Got brave & had one tonight  Peanut better chocolate chip.  Very good.  Yummy.

    Photos are from my memories.  Nothing special.  Just things I  like..


Dalahäst on Main Street.

I created this,  Don't remember how,

Back when we had snow,  Rare nowadays. I like it.


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10/2024 Söndag the 06th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  National Noodle Day Today's Name Day:  Jennifer, Jenny      Had a great day!!  Not too stressful or busy.  An easy pace.  I slept fair...