Monday, November 4, 2024

11/2024 Måndag the 4th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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Today's Name Day: Sverker

     I have not had a good day. I got up around 6am. My entire body was in acute pain. I had trouble walking out of my bedroom. And back again.  It was dreadful..  The worst RA pain I have had.  Creams did not even help.  My pain pills helped some.

    A good friend needed me to give him a ride & I hated saying no but I just did not have it in me to go anywhere.  He understood.  Thank goodness.  I did tell him someone who might be able to give him a lift.  I will check tomorrow to see if might need me again.  Rain is easing tomorrow so I should be better.  I wish.

    I tried to take a nap but never could relax.  Even Cinder did not help.

    I must be getting used to my new Planner.  Took me less time today to find what needed.

    I almost felt remorseful for my supper.  JR forgot his bread sticks from Pizza Hut in my car last night.  They were quite tasty!!!  😇

    A couple of days ago Cinder rang the bell on the front door to go outside.  It was a nice day so I told her I was on the way.  She crouched down to go out.  She could barely walk from fear.  She crept to the east steps.  She did not sit.  She kept crouching.  Almost shaking with fear.  I did not go in or shut the door.  And I kept talking to her.  Then she crept over to the west steps.  I thought she might walk down them but did not.  Just kept looking around.  I never encouraged her to come in.  I kept the door open & just talked sweetly to her.  But she turned around and slowly came back in.  And almost hid somewhere.  Then last night in the dark at bedtime she wanted to go out.  Huh???  Not a chance.  Dark & scary.  Wish I knew what scared her so bad.  I prefer she stay in.  I would be so worried about her if she goes out.

    Very little communication with me from anyone today.  Just my friend & MM.  Lasts night several things in FB really touched my heart & made me cry with feeling.  And then the lack of  someone close to me ---- someone not just a friend ---- really made me cry at being ignored.  I wonder what I am guilty of now.  I have sent messages but no answer back.  This person only posts things I have no knowledge of so I could comment on.  Things I have no interest in.  And apparently what I post gets ignored.

    Photos today are seasonal.  Wish we had snow here.  Some is forecast for the NW corner of Kansas.


This sign has been in the Õl Stuga forever.  I am related to the Train Brothers.  I would give almost anything to have it.

    I was given this cookie last friday at work.  Cute & very tasty.  Nice to have been given it.

Cinder slept on my bed most of the night.  I was not laying in her preferred position she likes.  She laid so she could look out the window.

Leaves & rocks from the front of the Old Mill last friday when I went home.  There was a huge leaf when I went in that had disappeared when I went home.

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003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...