Tuesday, November 5, 2024

11/2024 Tisdag the 5 th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Election Day.
Today is the day the US votes for who will be the new president of our country.  I am not relaxed.  Close to terrified.  I should turn the tv off.

Today's Name Day: Eugen, Eugenia

Not blogging normally.  Just photos of the town I live near ---- Falun KS.

The Falun Lutheran Church where voting takes place.  Did not take me long.  On the way out one of Willie's best friends came in.  She always disliked me.  Not seen her since long before he died.  She forced a smile & hello.
This is the house where Willie's boss lived when he was a trucker.  His boss was a nice lady, but tough.  Drove for Gerald's Trucking.  Hauled cattle & grains.  I miss those days & the other drivers.
The Falun State Bank.  Eventually it moved to Lindsborg & changed its name.  Did have an apartment in it once.  Now empty.
Our park.  The rock gates are from the school that is torn down.
The old original post office & the present one.  The old one was a home for a long time.  Looks empty now.
When I got married this was a small grocery store.  Nice if you just needed bread or milk or whatever.  Closer than driving to town.  Second floor was an apartment.  Next it was a restaurant with quite good food.  My mother-in-law worked there.  We had a milk cow and we gave them milk.  I cooked with the cream.  Great when harvest was happening.  Now it is abandoned.
This was Dauer Implement that sold farm equipment & did repairs.  And we had some really fun parties in it with dancing, drinking & potluck meals.  Those were the days.  Someone lives in it now plus has a small gift shop.
The elevator.  Used to be open all the time.  During harvest the one guy working would always call me at home to see if Willie was still cutting.  If I said yes he would stay open until Willie had dumped his wheat.  Now only open for wheat harvest.  There was a very old silo there of wood that Willie & friends tore down & used the wood.
Our sign on the edge of town.

We got married in 1966.  The phones we had were the old crank phones with a married couple who were the operators.  We had at least 7 people on our party line.  We never got dial phones until 1976.  T
en long years!!!  We were the last ones in the state without dial phones.  Our number was 818.  think the ring was long-short-long.

I sure miss the old times in Falun.  We knew everyone in town.  We had community picnics.  Now many of the nice homes are in disrepair.  So sad.  Great memories.

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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Saga, Siv     Had a great day today.  I had extra photos to do today.  Someone left her family photos.  Many had n...