Friday, August 9, 2024

08/2024 Fredag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

National Rice Pudding Day

I remember my step-grandmother made the best rice pudding.  Oh, for just one more serving of hers..........

Today's Name Day: Roland

    Was a great day but I sure got tired.  I started early.  Went to the Lindsborg Hospital to have blood drawn for fasting lab.

    Lunch was at the White Peacock.  They were super busy.  I had my fave meal called the Dala ----- ham, cheese, lingonberries, mayo in a bun & heated.  Tasty.  Only knew one person there ---- my fave artist.  He is cool.  We had time to talk a little politics & we both had big smiles!!!  Finally!!

    Then work day at the Old Mill.  I found no special photo to share with others.  There is one possible one but not until next week.  It is on hold until I am sure who it is.  Still lots of photos in this folder to go through.  Found photos of a niece's daughter when she was little.  And another lady who is a cousin,.  Did not have a lot of time to visit with LL at work but we sat outside for a bit to chat.  That was nice,

    Supper & dessert was at the Mexican restaurant.  Love my mexican friends.  They are always so nice to me.  

    The weather is heaven on earth.  The low last night was 56F.  Awesome.  The high today was 67F.  Double heaven!!  Of course by the end of next week the 90s return.  😱  Dang.

    I took a short nap when I got home.  Cinder had been out all day & there were sprinkles.  Plus KN was here all afternoon tearing out an old fense & trees.  Getting ready to put in a new fence.  I can just hear Willie saying "what a waste!"   He did not overdue improvements.  If the cows stayed in no need to fix.  Just makes me smile.  I can hear him!!  Sorry Willie!!!

    Photos are mostly from the Peacock & the Mill.


First 4 photos at the Peacock,

Pink flowers at the Mill.  Had not bloomed on wednesday,  Lovely.

Photo of flowers I took a few years ago & edited.

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10/2024 Söndag the 06th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  National Noodle Day Today's Name Day:  Jennifer, Jenny      Had a great day!!  Not too stressful or busy.  An easy pace.  I slept fair...