Wednesday, August 7, 2024

08/2024 Onsdag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

 National Lighthouse Day

Today's Name Day: Denise, Dennis

    Today was a pretty good day.  Except for the huge black flies that invaded the basement at the Old Mill.  Even one of us getting super violent with a fly or two it did not scare them.  Sheesh.  One even flew under my glasses on my eye!!!  Awful!

    I finished photos in Folder "G", sorted Folder "H", and got started scanning it.  Folder "G" had a couple of photos of a niece on her engagement & wedding.  Long time ago.  The wedding failed.  She is on her 2nd or 3rd wedding now.  Folder "H" has a couple of photos of another niece showing her cattle at one of the fairs.  Not too current though.  She was a child then, adult now.

    Supper was Mexican.  One of the wait staff had quit & moved on.  Then he had a change of heart.  He was back today.  I am so glad to see him.  I like him.  Known him for many years.   And I think he likes me also.  😊

    One of the kitchen workers speaks little to no English.  He & I had our first conversation with each other in only spanish.  Not in sentences but a single word here & there.  I was proud of us.  I told him I was "tired".  (cansada)  And he asked me "work".  (trabajo)  I said "si".  (yes)  Very cool..  We both smiled!!!

    Dessert was a snow cone.  I am pretty sure they will close next week.  School opening is soon.  I am sad.  😞

    It is rather scary that we have astronauts in the space center that were to be on an 8 day trip only.  Been there for several weeks already.  They may not get home now until February.  😱  I am scared for them.  Hope they are getting overtime pay!!!  

    Great weather today.  High was 95F & no humidity.  It felt ok.  Saw a friend who works at our local nursing home walking on Main Street with a sweet lady in a wheelchair getting some fresh air.  He is an angel!!

    I had a coffee date tomorrow but my diabetic doctor called & he has some meds for me.  And I need to have fasting lab done too.  Maybe friday.

    Photos are edited photos.  Nothing special.


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10/2024 Söndag the 06th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  National Noodle Day Today's Name Day:  Jennifer, Jenny      Had a great day!!  Not too stressful or busy.  An easy pace.  I slept fair...