Wednesday, August 9, 2023

09 august, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

 International Day of The World’s Indigenous People

    Again, a sleepless night.  Surely gets old.  Plus I had chills last night.  Not today.  Ate a normal lunch & supper.  So far so good.  Cancelled then entire day.
    Had severe storm warnings for here.  Heavy rain, large hail, high winds.  Oh, those silly weathermen!  I had heavy lightning, rare thunder, light rain, no hail, no winds.  Lindsborg had over 2 inches of rain.  I never bothered to look at my rain gauge.  Would be a wasted effort.
    I mostly rested today.  Texted "happy trails" to my grandson MM.  He is in ICT ready for an early morning flight.  He got a new hair cut.  Looks good.  Will miss him.  And miss CF daily.  Doubt there is any chance for lunch anytime soon.
    Got bad news today in my family.  I am sad.  And an aunt has moved to assisted living also.  I won't go see her.  She got upset with me once & screamed at me in front of a cousin & my uncle.  All but called me a liar.  That was the end.  I remember all too well how she treated my mom.  Wish her well.  I know Mom had her faults but it was hard to watch & listen to.
    Cinder came in when the lightning started.  But she never came to my bedroom.  Never saw or heard her all night or morning.  Around lunch, she came out from under the sofa.  Hmmm.
    Oh, the fire in Lahaina Hawaii!  It is beyond sad.  I was in that city several times.  We shopped there & ate there.  Beautiful place.  I remember we walked near the sea & there were 3 young men near some palm trees & water quietly playing drums.  Native drums.  Awesome.  I would give a lot to return to Hawaii.  If anyone wants to help me travel I will gladly pay their way there & back.  But there is no one who wants to go anywhere with me.  Or can get ID so they can travel.  Their loss.  And mine.
    Local news had videos from Lahaina & interviewed a lady who lived there & still has family there.  He totally mispronounced the name.  The lady said it correctly.  Why are people so dumb?
    Photos are just some I have saved over time.  All have flowers.

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003/2025 Tisdag the 11th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Photo of the Lindsborg High School basketball team in March 11, 1966 when we won the state tourny in Emporia KS.  The tall young man in th...