Tuesday, October 10, 2023

10 october, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Face Your Fears Day

Today's Name Day is Harriet, Harry

    What a day!!! Some good, some not so good!!  I got little sleep last night.  Freezing again.  A little heat helped.  Cinder kept me awake for a while.
    Up extremely early for a vet app't.  I was worried but it went well.  Aside from my lack of sleep.
    After the app't Karma came to visit me.  It was a learning experience that lasted all day.  If you have something that you must do, DO IT!!!  I chose not to so I had a learning experience.
    Instead of sleep I went to Lindsborg & Salina to run errands.  Renewed my driver's license.  And they moved!  Easy to find but required walking a ways no matter where you parked.  Then off to the court house to renew my car tag & get my handikap placards.  Too much walking & no where to sit & wait.  Dying was an option.  Won't happen again.  New game plan next time.
    Decided not to eat in town.  Too tired.  Home to eat.  It sort of upset my stomach but I survived.  Had a long nap.  Felt so good!!
    Nico is driving me nuts tonight.  His new regimen is not to his liking.  Sorry.  My bad.  He will adjust but will take a while.
    Far too tired to look for cool photos so what ever I saw I added.  Do better another day.

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003/2025 Tisdag the 11th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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