Friday, May 8, 2020

Quarantine Day 54

My brother and I had Mexican food at noon today. Love it!! I have had flautas for ever. Might have street tacos next time. Even saw the manager's wife. Been a long time. Longer than 55 days except on FB. Had a short visit.

The restaurant was sooo busy on Cinco de Mayo they could hardy keep up! It was like when our town has a festival. Good deal! Good they know they are loved. I would die if they left. Would have to drive a ways then.

The restaurant manager is so fun. I always order 2 Pepsis with  tequila. He always says he will give me the most tequila. One day he had them marked, one with an X and the other XX. Nice to laugh sometimes.

Nice weather today. Rain is supposed to come sunday night and next week.

I did not feel good this afternoon. I was going to visit my bestie but just came home. He was busy anyway.

I took a short nap and just upset my stomach more.

My hand is bad again. Maybe it is more than just an allergic reaction. Will see. May call my RA dr.

Just outside. Have 10 turkey vultures east of the house in a tree. They usually are to the west but my nephew was here working and making lots of noise! They should adjust. The ones in town are subjected to lots of loud noises but the city staff. They ignore. Seems like when you continually do the same thing over and over and expect a different outcome, something is wrong with the aggressor. Just my thought.

Kisse is running from one end of the house to the other. Better now than when I go to bed. Sometimes Nico is with her. Kids!!!

Really missing my fave show on Acorn TV. Last night watched And Then There Were None. Excellent. This was a 2015 mini-series filmed by the BBC. Years ago I read the book and have watched the original movie. On IMDB I like to check what goofs were made, trivia, etc. They had two goofs. Some movies have dozens.

I feel my good mood fading. Hopefully next week is better.

I took all the photos today.

Livin' the dream.

The fantasy continues. 

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