Today's Name Day: Torbjörn, Torleif
Love the name Torbjörn. Have a Swedish cousin iwth that name. Have met them & spent time with them. Nice family.
Not a good day. After going to bed last night I developed severe back pain. Difficult to change positions. Nothing helped. No pain meds made a difference. Why again???? Slept good without turning much. Cinder was there off & on. I needed her attention.
Got up & just cancelled my day. A challenge to walk or even sit. I made it out on the porch briefly. Saw the llamas. Took a nap.. House got way too hot today. Tomorrow will be much worse. Usch!! Way too early for summer hot weather. Makes the hot, humidity people happy. They get many more months of happiness than I ever get. Seems unfair. 😔
MM & his kids & some friends had a fun day. Many photos were shared. Great to see!!! Lucky them!
Love 60 Minutes. Not today. All sports. I really do not care. Mostly ignored,
Love a show called Fixer Upper. Wish my home was remodeled. Too late for me. Just put up with what I have, whether I like it or not. I have no choice. But a fun show to watch.
Hope I feel better so I can get out a bit tomorrow. JR will give up on me & go eat without me. Will make do with what I have here. No need to bother anyone to bring me anything. JR is unable to do that.
Photos are a lots of coffee photos. I took photos at work yesterday but cannot find them. They might be on my phone but not here.
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