Monday, March 10, 2025

003/2025 Måndag the 10th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Today's Name Day:  Ada, Edla
Had a ladies in town with the both these names.

    What a day!!  Great & special. day I have had!!!💖
    Saw a cow that had just given birththis noon.  Very cool!!  Later on the way to the mail box she was still in the area plus the llamas.  I called to them & they stared at me!!
    I stopped at the mailbox on my way to town.  And what a surprise!!  Willie's best friend was on his motorcyle driving by my house.  And he stopped.  In case I needed help for some reason.  He & Willie truly were best friends.  This friend, DD, never turned his back on Willie like another not so good friend did.  Sad.  We had a great visit.  He made my day.  Very few of Willie's & my old friends have anything to do with me.  I know that I will never ever be invited to anything DD will be at.  I have made peace with being left out.  But I could tell he still in some ways still cares about me.  Sad to think people we partied with, traveled with, never came to see Willie while he was dying, never checked to see if I was ok or needed anything.  Plus several could not be caring at the funeral or meal after.  Again, I have made peace with them.  They are no surprise.  My friends now are true friends.  Not back stabbers.
    JR & I had Mexican for supper & what a surprise!!  There was someone JS was a great friend with & always asks me if I have seen him.  I rarely do but tonight there he was eating in Jalisco's with his wife & grandkids.  We had a great visit.  Before he left I took their photo while he waved to send to JS.  And he saw it right away!!!
    When we were done eating Mexican food & ice cream (nieve) & ready to go home, MA came to our table & said our meals had been paid for.  There is man I do not know but I know he once in a while picks 2-3 booths of people to pay for their meals.  Our meals were free!!  How special.  Apparently he was sitting behind us.  A special & kind man no doubt.
    Then we bought some groceries.  I was close to being out of a couple of things.
    Got home & had a welcome gang to greet me!!! 😁
Names are Larry & Coco.  Love them.
    Got inside in time for Ringo Starr at the Grand Ole Opry.  What an awesome show!!!  Enjoying every minute!!!  I had set it to tape & it did not.  Grrr.  But I could rewind & watch from the start.  Whew.  When he sang "Photograph" made me think of José leaving here.  I almost cried.
    The temp was far too hot for me.  Saw 85F.  Too early.  But I managed to keep the house cool.  I am grateful   It did not get up to 80 in the house.  🔥
    Now to catch up my blog & spanish.  I had a phrase I was all prepared to say tonight but seeing RP Threw me off!!!  Dolor de espalda.  Back pain Pronounced "doe lor despalda".  Wednesday for sure.
    I am better today.  Slept good after my anxiety pill.  Lots of pain meds.  Just achy except for my left knee.  It hurts when walking.
    I am blessed to have had such a special day.  Feeling good in my heart.  DD is a special guy.  Wish I could see him more often.  But maybe he will drive by more often,  Found out he lives close now.


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003/2025 Måndag the 10th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Ada, Edla Had a ladies in town with the both these names.     What a day!!  Great & special. day I have had!!!...