Sunday, August 8, 2021

Wandering Through Life, 08 august, 2021

                     Always be kind. Wear a mask if needed. Avoid toxic people and situations. The Delta Variant is starting to grow here fast. My mask is back on. I trust no one in my state. No one.

        Weather here at the Saraha Desert West was hot. Had a thunderstorm last evening. I think we had 1.5 inches of rain. Some wind but nothing severe and no hail. Sure needed the rain. We are 5 inches behind for this time of the year.

        I finally got out of the house after 8 days at home. No wonder I am beyond depressed. Had it my entire adult life and one would think I would be used to it by now. And it is amazing how good I feel tonight after being around people who actually like me and are friendly and make me smile instead of being alone.

        Nico is just such a poop. Every night it is a challenge to get to sit long enough to write my blog. He just cannot sit down. The minute I start he is up and super alert. And tonight I had minutes to write up for a group i am on the board of. And I could not find them. Major stress!! I should just take an anxiety pill and a shot of tequila and be done with it. Sheesh!!

        Having lunch tomorrow with the artist at the Red Barn Museum. He is a long time friend. Will be great to see him!

        Photos are all from today.


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