Friday, March 18, 2022

Wandering, 18 march, 2022

     Been an interesting day.  And good.  Sort of cool today weatherwise.

    The big blizzard that was forecast for us was a joke.  We got rain but I have no idea how much.  Rained for quite a while.  The 4 inches of snow forecast was nary a flake.  How can we sit in the middle of the snow area and get nothing.  A town west of us got 5 inches.  Nice for them.  Made several snow hater friends pleased.  Who cares about our wheat.

    I went to town to my pharmacy.  I had a script  from my eye doctor.  I was just to check on the price.  If outrageous he would look for something else.  Turned out to be $118 a month.  That is doable.  And they had some so they filled it right then.  Started at home.  Will not make anything different for several months even though my eyes feel odd now.

    Then JR and I had supper at Jalisco's.  JS was his usual ornery self.  I like that.  They were busy.  A friend was there. She had been to a bull sale in the next town over.  Interesting.  She shared photos with me.  And found out we know the same cowboy!!

    When I left there were 2 men behind us.  One is a friend on FB but I have never met him face to face.  He is a nice guy.  The other man I have known for years.  And I was friends with his mother.  I sure miss her.  What a cool lady.  She had one painting I wanted after she died.  I actually was able to buy it.  It was fun to see both of them!

    Tonite at 715pm was the 34th anniversary of our house fire.  A truly awful night.  Just awful.  We lost our home and a lot of things but it could have been worse.  I can tell you exactly who was there and helped and cared.  I can also name some ^friends^ who were not there and gave us no support.  One really surprised me.  We eventually moved in to a home my father-in-law owned.  Totally upset his daughter who did not like us.  And then we moved to a farm for about 5 years.  Now we are back where the house burned.  Been here for 20 years.  Something definitely changed in our lives after the fire and things were never the same.

    Fur kids are restless again tonight.  Last nite no one slept before bedtime.  Nico is ready for a people food snack.  No cookies for him.  We will divide a pudding cup.  I eat and he licks it out.

    We have  more rain forecast for monday, tuesday, and wednesday.  HA!

    Photos are a mix of things.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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