Wednesday, August 3, 2022

03 august, 2022 Wandering

    A good day.  Little pain overnight.  I use frankincense essential oil & it works good at pain relief.  But it is about gone.  So today I tried Palo Santo essential oil.  Works pretty good.  I was ok eating out & walking in & out.

    It got hot for a short time this morning then cooled off.  I saw 97F around noon.  Then clouds cooled it off.

    JR, PM, & I met for supper at Jalisco's.  Nothing beats seeing CT & his big smile when he sees me.  He makes my entire week.  Sweet guy!!  Not real busy tonight there.

    In the kitchen you can hear CT sort of yelling "hay" often.  No idea why.  MA told me to go back in the kitchen & do it to him also.  CT did not see me but he never missed a beat!! Laughing all the way!  I said "adios".  He asked "cuando" & I answered "viernes".  I should go more often just to see him!!

    JS was in a good mood.  I even got a hug.  Saw friends there & found out one of them has Parkinsons.  I am so sad.  So far so good.  At least she goes to a specialist.  A relative has it.  When she found out we all told her to go to a specialist.  She refused.  She is very ill now.  So sad.

    I called my mechanic.  And my car part is here!!!!  I have a hair appointment tomorrow so we meet on friday at 1pm.  Yay!!!  I can drive where ever I want after that!!  What a relief!!!

    Nico likes when I have a soft taco & share.  I ordered him one today.  Will make it for 2 meals.  Nothing bad in it.  Tortilla, meat, & maybe some cheese.

    I got brave & ordered a different dog food.  No one is excited about the one I get now.  So far it is getting eaten.  Healthily made.  Try it once at least.

    I signed up for Netflix again.  My friend/cousin ND told me about a show she likes so I watched an episode last night.  I do like it.

    I think there was a rain shower in town while we ate.  And maybe here at home too.  Did not amount to anything much.

    Photos are just a mix.



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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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