Monday, January 23, 2023

23 January, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Had a quiet day.  Foggy early.  Makes for a beautiful scene.  Snow & fog.  Got sunny but then cloudy.  Stayed cool.

    Went to a new chiropractor in McPherson.  As we chatted found out my acupuncturist was in his office in Mac.  I was there often but he never worked on those days so we had not met.  He is really nice.  And explained things thoroughly.

    I am trying a new procedure called SoftWave.  A noninvasive laser type treatment.  The program is 8 weeks long.  I will try it.  He treated my painful knee & my right hip & back.  So far so good.  Feel ok without any pain patches or cream on.

    After my treatment I picked up JR & he carried my trash out to the trash bins.  I had trash all gathered in the house.  I carried them to the front porch.  Trash guys come tomorrow.  Then I can start again.

    After trash we ate at Jalisco's.  I was surprised to see JS.  Not his day to work.  But the other guy refused to come take his place.  After this week he is done working & leaves.  I worry about how I will handle it.  I only want to cry alone.

    There has been a snow "storm" coming on tuesday.  At first it was to be nowhere near us here.  But it is going to be further north than they thought.  So we now included on the north part of the storm.  Probably won't do much but who knows.  Snow is still on the ground.  So pretty.

    Photos are old ones from around my farm & one or two from Lindsborg.


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