Thursday, April 6, 2023

06 april, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Easy to sleep when it is cool outside.  And with no wind it was easy to take Nico outside.

    I got up early to sweep the house before the AC repairman got here.  Got a new broom & it is much better than what I had.  Worked great!

    After lunch Cinder, Nico, & I sat outside.  For almost 2 hours.  It was nice.  They chased & sun bathed!  One little calf got out of the pasture.  He ended up on the other side of our tornado shelter.  I could not see him but Cinder was sitting on the edge of the shelter.  I wondered if she was watching the calf.  And she was!  Cute!  I hope he found his way back to his mom.  Last I saw he was headed down the driveway.

    My repairman finally called around 3pm.  Finally.  Nice guy & friendly.  Something came unhooked.  He hooked it back up & checked all the others.  Cold air again!!  Just in time!  Huge area of hot weather forecast for here part of next week.  I am sure all the summer loving people are enjoying knowing that I hate hot weather.  I will just stay home.  No need to be out in the heat & with others who are gloating.

    Rain is on the map for late next week.  Not holding my breath.

    Heard from a friend in the far west of Kansas.  She said it is too late for rain to help their wheat.  So sad.  And won't have food to feed the cattle.  Hard on the land to graze cattle on land when it is dry & windy.  I just hurt for them.  Hard times.

    The Bradford pear trees on town are blooming.  So pretty.  I have one photo to share from tonight.  I have a pear tree but not a Bradford.  Mine blooms later.  See how it does with no rain.

    JR & I ate at Jalisco's.  We both got orders with a burrito since it is National Burrito Day.

    My other photos are local ones ---- birds I fed, geese in a lake in McPherson, a local Dalahäst.  I took them all.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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