Saturday, April 15, 2023

15 april, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Last night was great!!!  We had a long thunderstorm!  Lots of lightning & thunder.  And and inch of rain.  What a blessing.  I was awake a lot just to enjoy the storm!  But it was just one storm.  Does not mean our chances of moisture has changed.

    Cinder stayed out side & then it started to rain.  I called her to come in but she did not.  She was hiding on the porch & then crawled in her favorite box.  The rain just blew in it.  The next time we were out she was not happy.  She sure "talked" to me & was the first one in the door!

    It was chilly today.  I liked it.  We were supposed to have more rain today & the radar showed it was just west of us, but nothing fell here.  Tonight it might be in the 30s.  Great!

    Nico woke me from my afternoon nap so although I was up, I was not thinking.  We got to the door & I let him out ---- with no leash.  Sigh.  I just sat outside to watch.  He went out by the cows.  And barked & ran at them.  He only goes up to their ankles but he was sure brave!!  Silly dog.  Then he explored some of the back yard & finally came to the porch & ready to come in.

    I did nothing special today.  I am more tired than usual.  No idea why.

    Photos are photos I have taken but not this year.  They are all flowers.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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