Wednesday, October 4, 2023

04 october, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

Happy National Cinnamon Bun Day! 🇸🇪♥️

Today's Name Day is Frank, Frans

    Had a much better day.  Slept better.  Nico was feeling better.  Helps us all.
    I worked today at the Old Mill Museum.  Love all the photos I am scanning.  They are very very old.  Wish I could go back in time.  Be so cool.  Always enjoy the company of LL & AP.
    LL's husband played golf tonight so she invited me to come to her house & eat pizza.  But she met a couple of wonderful Swedish guys & invited them to join us.  They are brothers & just a tad older than I am.
    Our meal was just the best.  I could understand some of what they said.  I knew some words & I knew where I had been in Sweden.  And as they talked I knew many of the places.  It is so rare I get to see any real Swedes.  Usually only the "elite" people get to be with the real Swedes.  I am anything but elite or special.  Just a perfect meal & perfect day.
    Cooler today.  In the 70s.  Had a little rain last night.  Not enough to get excited over.  Could hear loud thunder & see lightning.  Friday night there is a chance of frost here.  Awesome!!
    Photos tonight are all from the porch at the Old Mill.  It looks very pretty.  And the sky/star photo was when I got home tonight.  Someone explained how to do it on your iPhone.  So cool & easy.  Still trying different settings within the directions.



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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...