Thursday, October 10, 2024

10/2024 Torsdag the 10th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Angel Food Cake Day

Today's Name Day: Harriet, Harry

    I got little sleep last night so I rested & napped today.  Cinder never asked to go out & I never offered.  She was skittish when outside yesterday.  Makes me worry.

    I had a project I worked on today.  I saw a picture someone had done & I wanted to do one similar.  And I got one I like but it is a bit different.  I am posting them both next.

Not mine.
Mine.  Different but similar.
    Not much change in the weather  We had 50s & 80s.  Hotter tomorrow & saturday.  Then a big cold front hits.  Slight chance of frost.  I can dream.  And later a slight warm up.  Chances of rain in a week & a half.  Yea, sure, yea betcha.
    Cinder has cuddled with me often today.  Not begging for anything, just loving.  Maybe she can sense my depression was worse.  Better than most people then.
    Yesterday was just not a good day in the end,  I got very depressed thanks to how someone treated me.  And needing help was all but told "absolutely no way".  Alone is difficult.  I thought about Willie a lot last night.  Maybe because his birthday is soon.  Wish he was here to keep me company & help me when I needed him.
    My cousin in Denver has dementia & is in a home.  Her house got sold today.  Made me so sad.  I can only imagine how her daughter must feel.  I remember a special Thanksgiving there & then a cool wedding, the dogs they had,  her husband, my Aunt Martha, such good times.  I ended up in tears.  Glad the home won't sit empty.  Nice house & neighbourhood.  Wish I could see my cousin one last time.  I am sure she won't know me but I would know her.  But no way to get there.  Driving there would be so-so but handling traffic in Denver would not be good.  Stay home alone & be sad.  I won't talk about how I feel. again.  Does no good.  No one listens.  I doubt anyone cares.
    We had an earthquake of 3.2 this morning around 930am.  I was asleep.  I never mentioned it on FB.  No one cares anymore,  I am on an earthquake app so I know.  And it did make the news tonite.
    McPherson had a bad event today.  Someone called the courthouse & told the person who answered a bomb was going to go off in 3 minutes.  Yikes!!  Everyone left & the building was searched.  Nothing was found.  Glad all are ok.
    Photos are a mix from my memories.  None are edited.

Maybe from the White Peacock years ago

Maybe the White Peacock

Dalahäst in Lindsborg

Dalahäst & Lucia in Lindsborg.  And snow.  Oh to have snow this year.

My bird feeder when I fed the birds

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10/2024 Tisdag the 15th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  National Grouch Day If you are a grouch, today is your special day. According to Sesame Street Magazine, the day celebrates all grouches a...