Thursday, October 24, 2024

10/2024 Torsdag the 24rd - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Bologna Day

I usually have roast beef lunch meat but they were out.  I actually have bologna here at home.  Will fix a sandwich for supper to celebrate!!! 😀

Today's Name Day: Eilert, Evert

    Not a bad day.  Slept so-so.  Windy & too warm today.  Cold front is almost here.  Rain will be east of us.

    Three fires in Kansas.  Wichita has two fires,  One is on or near the soccer complex  JR & I used to go to soccer games.  A grass fire.  Complex not harmed.  Having trouble getting it out.  Many hot spots.  New fire just now near Cottonwood Falls.  Think I  got the city correct.  Next week the winds are worse.  Gusts up to 60mph.  Dang!!!!

    I had the AC set for a resonable temp but I felt cold all day.  Just turned the heat on.  Set very low.  I feel better.

    Having minimal pain today.  Trying my new pain pills.  I think they might help a bit.  Easy to take.  They dissolve the minute they touch your tongue.  No taste.

    My group on FB of Lindsborg Now has had rules since forever that we do not allow political or religious posts.  One individual posted twice that he wanted signs for. his yard.  I deleted both of them.  And posted a warning that a third post would result of being banned.  He is a Maga person.  A Harris person posted there was going to be a walk in town for Harris.  It was deleted within 4 minutes.  That really made Mr. Maga upset so he posted a Maga walk in town.  His third political post.  I banned him & his post.  Done with people who cannot follow our rules.  My assistant admin said that since both  Maga posts & a Harris post have been deleted we are "eaqual opportunity deleters!"  I like that!!!  😊

    Cold front is here.  Was 84F here but now is 79F.  Great.  A shame we have no chance for rain.  As usual.  Radar shows storms from Wichita up to Kansas City.  No where near me.

    Did text with KN.  I assume he is cutting milo again.  Probably good we don't have rain yet.  Fun to see him & his son working yesterday.

    Photos today are from my memories.


Bird photos when I used to feed the birds.  I should again but I decided not to when Cinder was outside.  Maybe could now.

Neywick cattle bonding with me.  Anxious for them to come home again.  Soon I hope.

Church in Sunneno Sweden.  Our mother church.  When I visited it I saw a large photo of my church here with members in front of it including me. in  Cool.  Then we attended church on sunday.  They sang one of my fave Swedish hymns for me.  I was able to sing the first verse then I cried.  And cried.  Very moving.

Car owned by a local man.  Wish I had one.  How fun.

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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...