Monday, January 13, 2025

01/2025 Måndag the 13th - Wandering & Capturing Moments



Today's Name Day:  Knut
This is King Knut's Day.  He gave the Swedish people a few extra days of Christmas.

    Today was an ok day.  Except I was freezing in bed.  I finally got up around 8am.  I put on my heaviest socks & a sweater. Then I turned the heat up & turned on my room heater.  Been comfy all day.  Napped until noon.  No afternoon nap.
    Had  at least 3 messages from UPS.  With 3 different delivery days for what I am waiting for.  Obviously today was incorrect infomation.  Now to hope for tomorrow.  I am so frustrated.
    Got word a first cousin passed away yesterday.  No idea why.  No one in that family have talked to me in years.  I was the flower girl in his parents wedding.  When families got too big to celebrate together, we sort of got ignored.  Mom would get along for a while & then she and his mother would fight.  Awful.  I just do not even try..  I always missed family but I was the oldest of the kids so I never had cousins to play with.  They were all 6 years younger than me.  So none of them wanted anything to do with me.  One time Dad was playing with one of them & I thought I would join, Well, that was wrong.  He told me to go somewhere else & sit down & be quiet.  No attention for me.  Just an empty corner.  My brother was close to lots of family but I was never part of anything.  I got married young & worked in another town.  Sad for me.
    Warmer this week & super cold next weekend.  Snow on the weekend.
    I was on the phone with one of the cousins I am close to.  She had been talking one of our aunts & she may find out our cousin died.  I can guarantee NO ONE will let me know anything.
    I would like to eat but she is going to call me back if she learns anything,
    Will my rambling on.  Talking about family is always upsetting for me.  Knowing I meant nothing to anyone.    

The first time I knew for sure something was awfully wrong with Willie he brought me a bouquet for my birthday.  It was like a dozen long stemmed red roses.  I was shocked.  He would never spend that much money on me.  He asked me what kind of flowers they were since they were so expensive.  He had no clue what a rose was.  Nice bouqhet. 😯😧

Driveway headed to my house.

Willie & one of our Border Collies.  She always bought at his leg when he walked.  All year long.

Family made me feel like this just now.

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003/2025 Tisdag the 11th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Photo of the Lindsborg High School basketball team in March 11, 1966 when we won the state tourny in Emporia KS.  The tall young man in th...