Sunday, January 12, 2025

01/2025 Sōndag the 11th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

What a great moment.  Willie had just died & we had a heavy snow.  My neighbours came to clean up my driveway & yard.  So surprised.  I never expected them to do it again.  And they did not.  That was they way it should be.  Willie would have been pleased.  They are truly good people.

Today's Name Day:  Frideborg, Fridolf

    I had a mostly great day!!  Drove down the driveway with little trouble.  Roads all clear going to town.  IN town some places were not so good.  Getting to Jalisco's was nothing but ice & water.  i had a long list of things to do before going to town ---- most having to do with cats.  I got me & them all ready but I forgot to put boots on me.  I had wet socks & shoes all day.   Grr. 😱
    Jalisco's burrito was to die for.  And to see everyone.  LH was not working.  Their daughter got sick last friday & she was seen in the hospital.  Now on meds & getting better.
    My next stop was the SVAFC for a talk about the art showing there this month.  But much easier to get from the car to inside.  And no water to wade through.  I rarely feel part of things like this.  Many there are friends with each other or artists.  I find a place to sit & if anyone wants to chat they can.  A friend I really like came in late & I never noticed.  He ignored me when I left & was busy talking..  Such is life.  Quite a few did say hello but I am never included in anything with any of them.  I am always excluded.
    After the show we got groceries.  Needed some new choices.  Got an onion dip with bacon.  Excellent.  And some soup.
    I noticed several houses from JR's house had new snow men.  So I went back for photos.  There was Mom & Dad.  Plus tiny toddler between them.  Will share tomorrow.  Their neighbour is an artist I have known forever.  I need to try harder to have lunch with her.  Plus we have the same first name!!  And had a nice chat!
    THEN.  I got home.  No bueno.  Driving up to my house went ok.  I have a circle drive & I debated whether to try it.  Bad decision.  I got stuck.  Took me a while to rock the care forwards & backwards.  I finally managed to get the car under my carport.  Will stay home tomorrow & tuesday.  I called KN & he will look at it tomorrow.  Mostly hoping to have lunch out & work on wednesday.  Hutch can wait until thursday.  I am writing them tonight.

Last day of Christmas in Sweden.

Travel of all kinds on Snapchat---trains, planes, ships, etc by Trek Trendy. They show rooms, bars, dining halls, theaters, and more. Love it. My new addiction. Better than politics.


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003/2025 Tisdag the 11th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Photo of the Lindsborg High School basketball team in March 11, 1966 when we won the state tourny in Emporia KS.  The tall young man in th...