Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Quarantine Day 30

Too quiet of a day. Slept so-so. Cold night but warmer day. Cloudy but no rain. Only took a short nap.

I picked up my groceries. Only one item was replaced. No problem. Just nice to take a short drive. And nothing too heavy to carry in the house.

Only took a short nap.

My brother is going to come out this week. I am doing his laundry and he will carry my trash out and pack it in the bins. Not sure what day. May wait a day or so.

Did not feel well today. Nausea. Seems there is always something. Since I am home all the time, does not matter.

My bestie video chatted with me after he was done with work. Always good. I miss seeing him.

I am still reeling about a childhood friend who verbally attacked me this week. Does not seem like him. Maybe he has gone off the deep end. Possible with some of the things he has recently posted. Very sad. Still hurts.

Top photo is from a museum in my town. Bottom photos are of my dog during my nap and my supper beverage.

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