Monday, April 13, 2020

Quarantine Day 29

A better day today. Yesterday was awful and that is all I am saying. No one wants to hear me whine. Very cold last night and should be again tonight. But was warmer today. And little wind. That is a blessing. 

Sleep was illusive. I am sure I have my days and nights switched. I slept late today but no nap. So far doing well.

I picked my brother up and we ate Mexican. Extra good good tonite. Nice to be out of the house. And to park and people watch.

Talked with 2 friends on the phone. Nice to hear their voices. So rare for me. Helped one get her supper!!

After supper I drove a little and took photos. First photos are in town. And old bridge and an old flour mill that is now a museum. Once a year they turn it on. They used to mill some wheat but such a mess to clean up they gave that up. And there is an age requirement. Cannot be too young. It is very dangerous so small children are forbidden.

Bottom photos are a tiny flower in my driveway and sunset from my backyard.

Anecdote about the mill. My grandfather worked there. Always lots of flour on the floors. One worker was very paranoid about a child getting in and hurt. His coworkers had a couple of kid's shoes on sticks. They made it look like a child was walking inside the mill. That poor man went crazy trying to find the child. His coworkers hid and laughed. Kind of funny and kind of not. But history.

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