Sunday, April 12, 2020

Quarantine Day 28

A quiet day. Gale force winds. And very cold temps. In the 30s  most of he day. When I got up it was 64 in my house. I never had the heat on all night. Took a while to get comfortable inside. After all the hubbub yesterday about severe storms and winter storms, we got nothing. Not a drop of rain nor flake of snow within 100 miles or more. I ignore the weather most of the time. Of course the just could not be wrong about the wind. Hate it.

I have a very old shed behind my house. It has an old metal roof. When the wind is just right, the metal lifts up and drops loudly. The first time that happened I thought Big Foot was out there wrecking the shed!

No kind of celebration here. Rarely celebrated Easter. When I was young, I always got a fancy new Easter outfit. But that was it. No special meal because Mom always had to get ready to sing in a chorus. My Easter dinner was waffles. No need to fix just for me. Waste of time.

Did not sleep well last night as usual. A new tradition, I guess.

My brother and I were going to go eat tonight but just too cold. Will try tomorrow.

I try to be in a good mood but isolation is getting to me. I tried to call my bestie but he is apparently talking to someone else. Maybe he will call later. Might try another friend later or just do without.

My arm is less sore. No idea why. But my knee is worse. A shame they both cannot be pain free at the same time.

I might have to call my therapist. My depression is getting worse. They are saying even when things are "normal" people may still have trouble. I had trouble before so I assume that can happen.

Hope everyone had a nice Easter with friends/family and stayed home. There were several churches in Kansas that held services. So all those people will spread the virus and keep us in homes longer. They do not get it.

First photo is my neighbor's barn. My fave. I take lots of photos of it. The last photos are memories of when I could eat in Jalisco's. They are bittersweet.

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