Saturday, April 11, 2020

Quarantine Day 27

It was in OK day but way too warm. I finally had to turn on the AC. Was almost 80 in here. I am completely in my "I hate summer" mode. Found a tick on me. Gross. Then I put flea/tick killer on Nico. He was not going to have it. Had to tease him with a small piece of candy. He still tried to bite me but I was successful. Then he barricaded himself in the bedroom for a while. He did force himself to come out for supper. And now snuggled close to me.

TV sucks again tonite. BUT. SNL is new tonight.

I learned last night that only certain people can post what they want on FB. A friend --- since childhood --- read me the riot act. And gave me ORDERS what to do. Fat chance!!! Guess he does not know me too well! I had a friend who stood up for me and told him to quit. A nice moment! Every one is entitled to their own opinions. I have never once criticized him. Lesson learned.

I was supposed to pick up my groceries but I lost my time slot. I figured out what I did. Now I get them monday at 5pm. I sure there is at least one person calling it Karma for not shopping locally!! hahaha

We are in severe weather watch through tonight. Storms are not east of me but more later. Then tomorrow into monday we have cold and winter storm alert. Gotta love Kansas weather!!

Kisse is in one of her windows watching some large bug fly. Her head is really swinging! She did escape this afternoon. Luckily I got her before she could run all the porch!

The photos at the end of this are memories from the past with wonderful Swedish people!

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