Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Quarantine Day 52

I had my dr appointment with my RA dr in Wichita. Online. It went well. There was some hurry up and wait time but not very much. I got a phone call at 2pm from her office. I was told to sign on and she stayed on the phone until I could see myself. Then I had to wait. Soon a nurse came online and asked me all the questions I usually have to fill out. Then she signed off so I had to sign back on. Was not long until my dr was online. All went well. Having a bit more pain and a new pain in my upper arm. Could be my rotator cuff has problems but not being there hard to know. Will see her in 4 months.

Nice weather again. I have no need of AC or heat. Perfect. If it would only last. Tomorrow there might be rain. Might. I never trust them anymore. Rain seems to bypass my farm often.

I got a notice that there was movement on my door bell early this morning. So I checked the video. A bird was sitting on the unit. All I could see was his brown tail. Sort of long. Cool!!

Not all photos today are mine.

Livin' the dream.

The fantasy continues. 

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