Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Quarantine Day 51

Since it was Cinco de Mayo I thought my brother and I should eat Mexican. Always good. Wish we could have eaten inside with the full staff. Hopefully next year.

I had my brother buy some groceries for himself and get me some lingonberries. I was down to only a tablespoon. That cannot be!! One local place mixes mayo and lingon for their ham sandwiches. To die for!!! Love it! 

I stopped to see my bestie. He was working hard. We sat briefly for a chat. Then back to work.

I tried to take a nap but could not go to sleep. What was that about??? That never happens.

Tomorrow a dr appointment over the phone. Hope it goes well. The office calls early and asks all the usual things I fill out. Then the dr calls. Sounds easy.

Even though I am no longer a mother, I treated myself to a special mom's day gift. Some new perfume and makeup. I hope I get through the day in one piece and no tears. Hard to lose motherhood. But good to feel emotionally and physically safe.

Nice weather today. And tomorrow I think. Then cooler and rain. Hope these cool spells last all summer. Be perfect. One harvest it was the best weather. Cool with a slight breeze. As soon as harvest was over, hot as all get out!! And windy. Great year!!

Nice to feel more serene. It is a rare day. Wish I could have more. But with the isolation of 51 days and counting of quarantine, won't happen often.

Livin' the dream.

The fantasy continues. 

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