Saturday, June 20, 2020

Quarantine Day 97......

A bit warmer today. Not awful though. But it is coming. We had no rain last night or today. But tomorrow there might be severe weather. I like storms and all but living alone I get a bit more frightened. At least when Willie was here, I had someone to sit with in the tornado shelter. Hope the weather is not that bad.

Have a small hornet's nest near my front door. I soaked it the other day when the owner was gone. When he came back he should have died. Guess I will have to soak him. I am terrified of hornets.

My hands have started itching really bad. No idea why unless it is my Sjogrens. And now my arms too. No bites or anything just itching. See my doctor soon. Hope he can prescribe something.

Watching my show on Acorn TV. I love it but last night and today it hit home far too much. Had me in tears both times.

Photos today are all ones that I took and edited. But the first one is an old post card of my town.

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