Friday, June 19, 2020

Quarantine Day 96......

 We got rain last night. It was noisy all night. I had a total of 1.5". Could have waited until harvest was over but we are in a drought also. Tough choices.

Today felt like autumn. I loved it. Wish it would last. But the heat will return. Of course. Just for me, no doubt.

Had supper at Jalisco's. Great food and joking with the waiters. And chatting with my brother. A nice night. I always look forward to these nice nights.

Nico has gotten to be quite the cuddler. I have no idea why. He has never been cuddly. He always likes to lay close but now he curls up on me and just snuggles. Kisse cuddles in the middle of the night. Last night was more than usual and then she was needy again around 8am. Been a nice, loving day for me.

College soccer team has scheduled their first match. Dare I hope?! Not until September. They have a lot of return players and a couple of new members.

The county I live in and the next county next to us have both added several cases of Covid 19. Masks, anyone? One hot spot was a bar. The other county I have no idea.

Photos are from today. Nothing special.


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