Thursday, June 18, 2020

Quarantine Day 95......

Quiet day at home. Not quite as hot. I saw 99F in the car yesterday. Rain is near now and a better chance tomorrow. Wish it would wait until harvest was over. Wheat was cut behind my house. I remember Willie often would save that patch for last to use as our seed wheat. I took some photos from my porch. Wish I was closer but do not want to intrude.

I hate when the weather changes. My knee about killed me all night. My arm some also. RA is no fun. And I am exhausted all the time. I truly cannot sleep enough. Before the virus I could stay busy and not sleep as much. But those days are long gone now. 95 days gone.

Nico wanted to be outside so we sat outside for a while. What luck!! I saw a mother turkey surrounded by a passel of little chicks. They quickly disappeared in the grass but Mom stood alone for a long time, long enough for one photo. Not a great one but I am pleased.

Photos today are all old one I have taken in the past.


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