Saturday, September 4, 2021

Wandering Through Life, 4 september 2021

    I got up sort of early to bring Nico home from the vet hospital.  He was sooo excited!!  I really missed him.  We have snuggled ever since he is home.

    That was all the excitement I had.  Not one message or phone call from anyone while home alone.  Except from my brother.  Good.  It was his birthday yesterday.  We really do not celebrate our special days.  I have a gift ordered but not here yet.  Soon though.

    Nico came home sick.  Has diarrhea.  So much fun.  He had several different shots, etc. while I was gone.  I need to block the hallway so he does not go to our room to poo.  He pooed once in the kitchen  and twice outside.  He kind of acts like he does not feel well.  He wanted some of my supper.  Not a bite.  

    It rained most of the night. I had a grand total of 2.90 inches. Wow!!  My nephew made our pond deeper and I thought it would not overflow anymore.  I was wrong.  There was or had been water over my drive.  A small stream when I went to get Nico.

    Found a huge wasp nest over my front door.  Wrote my nephew to please come spray it.  I have to get a new can of spray first.  I am too scared to try.

    More summery photos. And a couple I edited.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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