Sunday, September 5, 2021

Wandering Through Life, 5 September 2021

    Nice weather day,  Not too hot or chilly.  It can stay like this.  No more super hot days.  Please.

    JR and I ate at Jalisco’s.  The best food and the best staff.  Nice to have almost all come to greet me.  No idea why they like me.

    I am sad to know that a gathering of my friends is planned.  I was not included.  Their business.  Not the first.  I have almost given up on people I thought were friends.  I try to be nice and pleasant but I must be failing.

    On the other hand a long time friend of many years is going through a rough patch.  I suspected but none of my business so I never asked.  But he reached out to me.  Nice I could listen to him.  I cannot fix his life but I can listen.  More than I have most of the time.

    Nico was sick last evening.  But is ok now.  He slept good over night.  Thankfully.  I was almost scared to leave him this morning, but no problems.

    Holiday here tomorrow.  I really no longer like holidays.  Hard when your family is mostly gone.  Then JR and I have to be creative.

    I found a huge ——- HUGE ——- hornet nest over my front door. Yikes!  I called my nephew and said I would buy some spray if he would come over to kill them.  While  eating lunch he wrote that he found spray at his house and my hornets were dead.  What a mess!!! There is dead bodies and stuff on the porch.  I wear shoes so I do not get stung and I watch where Nico walks.

    Summery photos again. The spooks photo is at my neighbour’s house!!


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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