Monday, September 6, 2021

Wandering Through Life, 6 September 2021

     A boring day with nothing to write about.  Great weather.  A touch of autumn and a miserable touch of summer this week.  No rain.  No communication with anyone.  Thank god I can talk to my pets.  My brother did send an ABBA video.  How could I forget!

    The highlight of my day was cleaning up poo in the kitchen thanks to Nico.  Like he could not have let me know during the night but maybe it was an emergency.  I do not know what all they did to him but I wish he would be normal soon.

    Second highlight was taking the trash and some boxes out for trash day.  In the process I hurt my good shoulder.

    Best part is an awesome tv show I watched about Vikings.  I learned so much.  I was fascinated.  Started in Sweden.  Once a year a large group gather to live as they used to and to teach their kids how their ancestors lived. Then they had a huge battle.  And they fight until only 1 is standing.  This year it was a lady for the first time!!!!  I saw how they made their boats and how they got the boards to curve.  Loved every minute

    So much for my boring day.  Should have written nothing.

    Photos are a mix.  Nothing special.


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