Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Wandering Through Life, 7 September 2021

    Today was a day at home except for my first haircut in 3 months!!!  No color today but that is ok.  It is trimmed up and looks and feels great!  And I missed seeing HP.  Wish we were friends not just in his business.

    Weather was pretty nice.  Cooling off tonight with a low in the 50s.  Sounds good to me.  Only one day.  Then summer again.  Ick.

    I have 2 sparrows who roost under my carport roof.  I noticed last night there was a third one! A friend or one of this years kids?  Cool!

    Photos are of Shilling AFB, Fifi a B29 from WWII.  Just some old photos that came up in my memories today.



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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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