Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Wandering Through Life, 8 september 2021

     What awesome weather!! If it would just last!!  I saw 58F last night. Great for sleeping.  No AC running.  Just nice all day.  But will be short lived.  Back in the 100s this weekend.  No rain until next week.  Then cooler.

    Today was a work day.  I love being at the Old Mill.  The director had a cookie for me when I got there.  Yummy!  Scanned lots of photos.  Someone brought in lots of match books.  There was an old old one from my town.  Had a semi nude woman on the back!  Made me smile!

    My brother, a friend, and I ate at Jalisco’s. Great food and good conversation.  But my hiatal hernia acted up and I got sick.  Went home early and took a short nap.  OK now.  Not a good way to end the evening.

    Nice to be around my friends in Jalisco’s.  Nice to feel liked.  And get a few hugs, hands held, and laughs.  JS called me at work.  He has a project he needs help with.  Fun times ahead!  He is the best and always makes me feel needed and wanted.  And they alll make me laugh!

    I saw a huge mushroom near my carport.  It is so dry I rarely see any.  There was a smaller one also.

    Photos are sunflowers from my yard today.  And my mushrooms.


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