Saturday, December 4, 2021

Wandering, 04 december 2021

    I had a super good day!  A bit cooler today so I got to wear a warm sweater!  But really cold is on the way.  No rain of course.

    I was asked to work at the Smoky Valley Arts and Folk Life Center.  Today was Artists' Open House.  And those who do not have a studio are all over town in different galleries making and selling their art.  There were 3 artists where I was.  And many visitors.  I shared a collage of 4 photos I took.

    I was supposed to work from 1-5pm.  But somehow another lady was scheduled to work also.  So we split the shift.  I was a little disappointed but it happens.  There were lots of people walking in town.  And a horse drawn carriage you can ride in.  I did not try.  Most likely a long line.

    Weather was not too bad.  Just a bit chilly, in the 50s.  And little wind.  Good day for people!

    I am lucky when I work there as MA told me I can always park behind the restaurant.  Very nice of him!!  But the SVAFC is going to move a block away.  Have to find somewhere else to park.

    With the cooler weather the idiot flies try to get inside my house.  A few succeed.  Tonight one landed on Nico.  It was dying and not moving much.  Nico almost had a nervous breakdown!!  He was jumping around and he could not reach it.  I managed to brush it off.  Then he leaned on me for a long time.  Big baby!  Sort of like me and spiders!!

    I am watching Its a Wonderful Life.  Not seen it in years!

    Photos are my collage and some Christmas photos.  The Christmas tree was from this afternoon.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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