Sunday, December 5, 2021

Wandering, 05 december 2021

    Not a good day.  RA won.  I cancelled my entire day.  I slept pretty well.  I used my leg support pillow.  But got up and I hurt everywhere.  And it did not go away.  In fact it got worse.  Hope it is just the changing weather.  Walking was not good.  My back was hurting far too much.  Soooo.  No Jalisco's lunch.  And not much food here!  I get groceries tomorrow.

    Weather was not bad.  Stayed outside for a bit twice with Nico. Warmer than I thought it would be but this evening the wind is starting up. Now at 38mph.  But it is a north wind.  I have a line of trees on the north.  Helps keep the wind down.  It is 46F now.  Temps dropping.  I may leave water dripping tonight.  I do not need frozen pipes.

    I try to see beauty wherever I am.  Today I saw 2 bulls that live here, the lovely prairie grasses, and heard various birds.  My oak tree used to get full of sparrows at night roosting.  When they all got there there was lots of chattering.  I am assume they were sharing their day with each other.  This evening after supper I saw my cedar tree filling up with sparrows.  Fun to see.  Hope they hold on for dear life in the wind to come!

    More cattle have arrived, I think.  I saw a cattle truck go through my yard.  Very cool.  I like when there are lots of cattle here.  Fun to watch.

    Christmas photos again tonight.  I watched Rick Steves special on Christmas in 7 European countries.  Fun to see.  As close to Christmas I will get.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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