Sunday, December 12, 2021

Wandering, 12 december 2021

    Today was ok.  Not as cold over night.  Today was chilly but ok.  Winds have been increasing & bringing warmer weather.  I think tuesday and wednesday are record warm days then for the next week and a half cooler and more normal.  Good.

    I felt too warm during the night.  I finally turned the heat down and took the top blanket off.  Then I slept better!

    A couple of nights ago I been out with Nico and just got back in bed.  I was facing the window.  And I saw a falling star.  Very cool!!  Of course I made a wish.

    JR and I ate at Jalisco's today.  Always good.  Lucky enough I got to greet all my friends there.  One always come out of the kitchen to greet me.  He is cool.  When he was back in Mexico a couple of years ago, he used to call me from there.  He had a lady friend who could help us talk.  Then he moved and the calls stopped.  Nice while it lasted.  I am glad he is back here.  We have talked about it!  His English is some better now.  And so is my spanish.

    I took a longer than usual nap.  Felt a bit depressed.  Think it is the holidays.  Wish I could enjoy them and attend the activites that go on.

    JR and I need to go look at Christmas lights in Salina soon and around Lindsborg too.  My brother gets great photos.  Mine are fair at best.  But I am driving also.

    Yesterday I got a message from someone unknown to me.  His photos was nice and he said he wanted to ask me to be a friend but it would not work and wanted me to ask him to be a friend.  Second time I got one of these.  I am sure his photo was a fake.  Probably some 400 pound guy sitting in his underware trying to get people to friend him.  I quickly blocked him.  Too many weirdos out there.

    Photos are of a Christmas theme.  I have added one of Calvin & Hobbes.  They are special to me.  During this pandemic when I was stuck at home and not going anywhere, I never missed anything posted in FB of them.  I think they helped save my sanity.  I always chuckle no matter how many times I have seen them.


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003/2025 Tisdag the 11th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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