Monday, December 13, 2021

Wandering, 13 december 2021

    Happy St. Lucia Day!  It was a lovely day.  Warm and fairly calm.


    I was home alone today.  Nothing big happened.  A calm day.

    I went to town to pick up groceries.  We were out of everything.  At least bread and meat.  I do keep frozen meals handy.  I get tired of both.  But tis my life!

    Tomorrow is trash pick up day.  One bin is not full but it is heavy!!! The other one is now full but light.  I have done better the last 2 weeks.  Junk mail goes directly into a trash bin & never in the house or car.  It never builds up that way.

    The prairie was pretty this morning.  A little breeze moving the grasses.  The pond was very pretty with tiny waves glistening with the sunlight.  I had 2 bulls eating by the fence.  They ignore me.  Better than charging at me!!

    Our drought continues.  We have now broken our record of days without any moisture.  I think we are at 47 days.  Not good for our ponds and wheat.  It gets old of hearing people be glad to have sunny weather.  One said she was decorating Christmas cookies on her patio tonight.  I am so glad for her.  If she had to haul water to her cattle she would not be so excited.  We aren't quite there but it will come if not rain.

    Photos are winter, Christmas themed.  Looks like it might be my only way to enjoy winter.  I guess it is important if everyone else is happy.  I love my snow but not looking promising.


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003/2025 Tisdag the 11th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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