Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Wandering, 14 december 2021

    A really quiet day.  Home alone.  Did not leave at all.  Poor sleep last night.  Too many memories.  Some sad, some good, some both.  Maybe good I never saw anyone or talked to anyone.  I try not to whine but sometimes I do.

    Nico is a mess.  I had some cat food that no one in this house liked.  But I kept in case of an emergency.  Nico found the box and now has cat food all over the house.  He managed to get one open but only ate one bite.  So he carries them around, outside and back in, and hides them here and there.  Silly boy!!

    Much warmer today.  Stayed warm last night.  I was cold when I laid down for a nap.  Left the room heater on.  That was a mistake.  But it will slowly cool down.

    Wind and possible fire warnings for tomorrow.  Hope no one is stupid enough to burn anything or throw a cigarette out of a car window.  Winds between 50 - 70 mph.  That would be a disastrous event.  There is always one......

    Photos are from the time I worked for the Red Barn.  It is an artist's home and now a museum.  Emotional to look back.


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003/2025 Tisdag the 11th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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