Sunday, December 19, 2021

Wandering, 19 december 2021

    It really got cold last night!!!  I saw 8F on my porch.  Luckily we had no wind.  Just out now and the slight breeze we have is a killer!  Today was in the 40s.

    JR and I ate a Jalisco's for dinner.  I had my Christmas gift for JS.  I almost always get him mens perfume.  He loved it!  We both seem to use the same ones over and over. So I got him something different and a small sample of another different one.  Also got him 2 shirts.  One has an Aztec design on it.  Many mexicans are part Indian so he likes those kind of designs.

    Food was good and so was the ice cream.  Spanish for ice cream is helado but MA always says nieve (snow).  I use both.  Although I love to say helado.  I like how it rolls off my tongue.

    Languages are fun.  In spanish I love helado.  The h is silent.  My fave swedish words are jaha and blåbär.  Jaha you say when someone says something and you agree or are surprised at something.  My swedish cousins knew I loved this word.  When someone would use it we would stop, look at each other, then repeat it!!  Blåbär is blueberries.  I like how it rolls off my tongue too.  And it is amazing if you know a second language it is easier to figure out a third language.

    After dinner I worked at the SVAFC again.  What a slow day.  One visitor came in and 2 of the artists came in to get their art.

    Right before going home a group of carolers came in and sang 2 Christmas songs to me.  How special.  I am not used to being remembered.  They are a new group trying to grow. They have both men and women.  They are called Everyone in Harmony.  Their singing was beautiful.  I have a FB group called Lindsborg Now.  I told them to join there and maybe get some new members.  My group has around 5,000 members.  My town does not have that many citizens!!  But there are many former college students and families on it.  And some Swedish people too.

    More Christmas photos today.  And photos of the carolers.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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