Saturday, December 18, 2021

Wandering, 18 december 2021

    Had a quiet day.  The pains I had are gone now that the front is here.  Got in the 20s last night and the 30s today.  No wind.

    Bad news last night.  They found the missing guy who tried to drive home during high winds and fire.  He was found next to his burned car.  He was dead.  So sad.  An elderly man was injured trying to save his farm died of his injuries also.

    The fires are out.  It was a 4 county fire that burned 400,000 acres.  Hard to imagine.  Last year the pasture next to my house caught fire.  It was pretty close but there were plenty of people and equipment so I was not scared.  If there were 100mph winds, I would have grabbed my fur kids and drove away!

    Right now at 7pm it is already 22F.  I had to go out to my car.  Did not take me long!!

    I have JS's gift all ready to go.  JR's gift is not ready.  Almost ready.  My Christmas is over except for giving.

    I got little sleep before 6am.  My legs were very restless.  I finally got up and rubbed my legs with a peppermint pain relieving ointment.  That helped.  Then I could sleep.  I am just strange.  That peppermint cream is nice.  Cannot use it when going out in public because it is not a light smell!  And I have found if I have a cold and a cough, I can use it on my throat and stops my coughing.  It is not made for that but whatever helps.

    The prairie was calm today.  My pond was not all sparkly today.  I did hear birds singing and flying around.

    I had fun last night. JS's computer is broke.  So he gave me a flash drive to put photos on of his newest nephew.  He sent me them on his phone.  He asked me to arrange them a certain way.  And he wanted to see them right away.  I sent them to him and he added cool wintery backgrounds.  We both had fun playing with his photos!

    Covid is spreading too fast.  Saturday Night Live has not audience tonight.  We are going backwards.  And I see few masks here.  When I worked last weekend most people coming in were maskless.  I took mine off if alone but not when people came in.  Scary.  An author that lives in Maine said Covid is spreading so fast there. And most of those who get it are not vaccinated.  They refuse to learn.  But they try to support their beliefs with doctor's reports.  I am sure not good doctors.  How they deceive themselves until they are in ICU.

    Photos today are winter and/or Christmas photos.  Most are from my town.




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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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