Friday, December 17, 2021

Wandering, 17 december 2021

    I have had a good day.  No wind storm.  No dust although last night I could see dust/smoke in my flash light beam.

    My county has been declared a disaster area.  I hope all have electricity now.  And I hope the fires are all put out.  But there are homes destroyed and cattle/horses lost.  A lot of healing to do.  There is one person who was driving home from work during the 100 mph winds.  He never got home.  He has not been found yet.  Sad.

    I had a big surprise at Jalisco's today.  JS had my Christmas gift under the tree there.  It was an awesome gift.  There was several pieces of chocolate in the bag.  I got a lovely perfume from Versace.  Not tried it yet.  And he got me the most beautiful cape.  Grey and white.  It drapes over my shoulders and arms.  No sleeves.  I will have him take a photo of me on sunday wearing it.  Then I can share.  He always has great taste!  I have his gifts but no bag yet.  Will give him his on sunday.

    A cold front coming through tonight.  I am feeling it.  I have a sore thumb, my one hip and leg, and the other knee.  Been worse but not fun.  I felt crippled here at home but walked ok tonight.  Super cold weather coming.  Brrrr.

    I have made my brother and I switch where we sit when eating out.  I do not care to see who comes in to eat.  Whether I know them or not it does not matter.  I am pretty sure no one there is a friend.  Better to just mind my own business.

    Photos tonight are mostly taken from the Christmas tree we used to have.  I did have it in my bedroom until Kisse knocked it over and ruined it.  No more tree.  It was only for me so no big deal.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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