Thursday, December 16, 2021

Wandering, 16 december 2021

    A much better day, at least for me.  Calm winds.  My trash bins are back where they belong.  The red fuel tank is not by the porch anymore.  A black barrel blew up sometime also.  Bless my nephew.

    I did not sleep well last night.  Very stressed still.  My mind was too busy with memories, etc.  And I cried some.  But today I feel better.

    Got cool last night.  And cool today.  This weekend much colder.  No more record breaking hot days.  Good.

    Yesterday Salina got a whopping .10" of rain.  So we stopped at day 48 without rain.  No rain for at least through Christmas.  No white Christmas.  Such a hard day that snow would have helped.

    Now people are rejoicing the Winter Solstice is soon so winter and no snow is over.  My favorite season but I rarely get a nice winter.   

    Kansas is still in a horrible mess.  The damage from the wind is quite bad.  With winds as strong as 100 mph is scary.  That is a Category 2 hurricane speed.  Then the fires in western Kansas.  Took a village or two to help them not spread.  But the loss to people's homes and businesses.  I have had a home burn down.  Not a walk in the park for sure.  I do not think there was any human loss.  But there was livestock loss.  Schools are still cancelled in places due to no electricity.

    Photos are a mix of winter&Christmas.  The nativity photo is of the one at my church.  When my dad died his money went to help buy it.  In my country we donate money to the family of who died.  They usually have specified where they want it to go but you can specify where you want it to go also.  And the julbock in Gävle Sweden is still going strong!




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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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