Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Wandering, 22 december 2021

    You know.  Someone as stupid as I should not be living alone!!!  When I lost electricity in 2 outlets last nite while drying my hair.  I was clueless.  I had to move where I charge all my electrical toys!  I was not in a good mood last night.  But tonight at supper with JR he told me it was probably using my hair dryer and the room heater at the same time.  And he told me step by step how to check and fix it.  Well duh!  What would I know?  I always had a husband for those things.  Sheesh.  Well, all is well.  Everything is back in its place and my lamp is on and the heater works.  Don't need it so it is off.  Whew!  Second best Christmas gift I got. 

    I needed a small bag for JR gift. He said he had many bags.  He brought it out on sunday and said it had fabric already in it for wrapping.  Fabric??  Well when I wrapped his gift the fabric was 2 women's scarves.  They were Mom's.  Why did she put them in the Christmas bags?  We will never know!

    Worked today at the Old Mill.  I love it there!!!  Still working on school districts.  Some of the photos are rather sad.  Times were tough in the early to middle 1900s.  Some of the clothes are sad.  But then others are good.  One teacher had just her in a photo.  It was a later photo.  She looked great.  Had a straight skirt and sweater.  She would fit in now!  I got a card from the 3 hired workers.  Very nice.

    I gave up doing cards this year.  Maybe later I can do winter cards to those who sent to me.  I used to send out around 60 homemade cards --- to family, my friends, his friends & landlords.  Family is almost nonexistent.  We no longer farm so no landlords.  His friends would never send me anything ever.  My friends have either died, moved away, or forgotten me.  It is life.

    JR and I ate at Jalisco's tonight.  We are invited to a Mexican meal on friday.  One of the things they are serving is posole.  My favorite.  Hope JR will come with me.  Will be fun!!

    Photos today are some lights from in town.  I took them on my way out of town.  The car was parked in town and it plated Christmas carols.  Fun to finally see it.




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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...