Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Wandering, 21 december 2021

    I have had a fairly quiet day considering I never slept until 7am.  No idea why except some sweet dog kept waking me up!!!  I have never been outside so many times.  I am little by little weaning him off people food.  Maybe why.

    Got my hair shampooed.  I hate that job.  My hair is fine but really thick.  I now use a dryer that is one that is an ion one.  Hair dries so fast!  Wish I had known that years ago!

    I was drying my hair tonight and suddenly the dryer quit.  No power.  Was it a cord or power surge or what.  Nothing works.  I unplugged everything.  Had to find somewhere new to charge my computer, etc.  Great.  Just waiting for Nico to will mess with things.  I might move it all to the office where the kids are not allowed.

    I heard some news that is upsetting.  The flu shot we all got may not work good this year.  The flu virus has changed, as viruses can do.  Another reason to keep your masks on.  Such a rarity in my town.  People run around like we never had a pandemic and are still in one!

    Nothing great to write about.  No wind so the prairie was so calm this morning.  The pond looked like glass.  I could hear a few birds but really could not see any.  Photos are Christmas themed.  Some old ones when we used to get snow here.  I have already given up this year.  The snow/winter haters can win.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...