Saturday, February 19, 2022

Wandering, 19 february 2022

    Home alone again.  The aloneness is overwhelming to me.  Always.  We were cooler last night and today.  Only in the mid 40s today.  Not good sleep last night.  Mind was too busy over nothing important.  All old stuff, a little new stuff.  Nothing to do about any of it.  So why do I think about any of it?  And no need to talk about my feelings.  I am sure no one cares.  All have their own issues.  Not close enough to anyone who talks to me.  My life has always been this way.  Although I used to have a close friend I would see on my says off from the hospital.  She is long gone.  A good thing.  Even a group I was in charge of for many years I never felt truly apart of it.  Even with those I was related to.

    I had good dreams during my nap.  Traveled somewhere with my husband by train and then to go home we had to catch a bus.  I do not remember any details.  I forgot the other one but I liked it.  Should write them down right away!

    Nico is just so odd.  In the evening he has to maneuver me where he wants me to sit on the sofa.  Then he curls up on the side with less room so he is next to me and touching.  Sweet.

    Last night after I was out with Nico and went back out to feed and water Cinder, she curled up in front of the camera and looked at the door.  She was there a long time.  I wonder if she wanted in like whoever abandoned her?  So sad.  She leaves only for short times to hunt.  The black cat travels back and forth to my neighbour.  Why it comes here is unknown to me.  Seen it here for a long time.  Maybe he is fed better here.

    We had a light breeze today.  I was gazing off to the pasture and pond from my porch.  There was a huge flock of birds flying around and over the pond.  They were not black, so I am clueless what they were.      Wish I could see better.  Calling my eye doctor on monday.  Tired of this.

    My trash bins have been a mess.  In our blizzard (hahaha) they blew over to the north and then were pushed a couple more feet to the north.  My nephew straightened them up in their place.  Then they blew over to the south.  He straightened them back up --- just daring the wind!!

    I watched a show on the Science channel.  They looked in to wild fires in Idaho.  They noticed the area was completely blackened except for one area that was lush and green.  They investigated and it was because of the beavers that were there.  Beavers were almost hunted to extinction.  They decided to introduce more beavers but it was rugged terrain and hard to get to. Sooooo, the put an elderly beaver in a box with a parachute.  They threw it out of the plane.  He landed and the box opened and he was off.  They followed him with many more.  Very interesting!

    Photos today are ones I have edited.  Some I took and some I did not.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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