Sunday, February 20, 2022

Wandering, 20 february 2022

    Last night did not go well.  Both fur kids were brats.  They would not mind or listen.  Even the sight of my water spray bottle did not help.  Kisse hates it and would leave but come right back.  At 1030 I gave up.  Took my anxiety pill and went to bed. Played on my iPad for a while then the pill helped me sleep.

    Today JR and I had sunday dinner at Jalisco's.  I love being there but today was too much.  One of the waitstaff I do not like was trying to impress me.  Today he constantly whistled or sang.  In the kitchen they all were singing very loud.  Usually it does not bother me.  I stayed like normal.  Never said a word but I was ready to scream &/ cry.  At home I tried to nap and there was no position that was comfy.  My hip hurt and one knee.  Moved to my bed.  Much better!  Will take my pill at bedtime.  Have not had 2 anxiety attacks this close in a long time.

    I sat outside for a while to try to lure Cinder to let me pet her.  Soooo close!  She laid on the sidewalk in front of me.  She would start to come up to me but just couldn't.  She finally went under the porch and came up behind me.  She walked by and I did not push my luck.  She did reach up and sniff my toes once!  And I am sure that she is a she!!  She is so fat and long haired.

    This morning a huge group of black birds were in the pasture in one or two trees.  All singing at the same time!  Loud!  Is that a bird church?  They kept at it for about an hour or so.

    Oh, our weather.  Tomorrow is 70F.  Tuesday our high is 20F.  Then on thursday there is snow.  The weatherman said something like "mark my words all of Kansas will have snow".  After I quit laughing my comment was "mark my words all of Kansas has a chance of snow except in the middle where I live".  And our drought gets worse everyday.

    My trash bins tipped over to the north and were pushed a bit further.  I have given up on taking trash out.  Tomorrow the winds are extra strong with a fire warning.  I can wait.  Will let my nephew know.  Not sure my kitchen trash is heavy enough not to tip over.  Our old bins never tipped over.  And the old ones had a strap to keep them shut.  These have nada.  Stupid.  But they are much larger.  IF they are standing tall.

    People here are no longer being even a bit careful of Covid.  It is still out there and people are still getting it but everyone wants to go back to how it was.  Jalisco's was super busy and nary a mask in sight, except for JS, JR, and me.  I trust no one.  I figure if the Queen of England can catch it so can I!!!

    Photos today are some from the last few years.  No patience for taking photos today.  The gorgeous Victorian was a restaurant and is completely restored.  awesome food.  But one night it burned down.  I was hoping they would rebuild.  So sad.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...