Monday, February 21, 2022

Wandering, 21 february 2022

     I had a better day.  No anxiety.  That is no fun!!  Slept better also.  Nico and Kisse slept ok also.

    Our weather was nice today but is now in its mental breakdown mode!!  I saw 70F here this afternoon and then the wind turned to the north and quite strong.  Our temp now is 29F.  A bit nippy to take Nico out.  He takes forever because he is watching Cinder.  I always lock his leash until she is gone otherwise I would be pulled down the steps!  She watches and Nico runs all over trying to figure out how to go get her!

    Chance of snow on thursday but I am sure that is for the rest of Kansas not here.  Or everyone gets a tenth of an inch.  No excitement from me.

    I am so excited.  Cinder let me pet her.  She is still not sure but I got to several times.  I am positive someone dumped her out here.  Poor baby.  At least I am nice to her.  Wish I dared to have a third pet inside the house!  Feeding three pets take time.  My inside pets have a 3 course meal --- dry dog food, wet cat food, and cat treats.  Then outside I have to do water and dry food.  And then something for me!

    When sitting outside with Nico I brought my camera.  I took some photos.  And then changed some of them to black and white.  When I fed Cinder, I got lots of photos of her also.  Very nice.

    I never got my trash out this week.  My bins are tipped over for the 3rd or 4th time.  The weatherman said we were in a fire watch today due to high winds.  I told my nephew not to worry about them.  Then there was not much wind.  But the north wind is strong tonight.  I am afraid they will tip again with trash in them and it will scatter all over and the wildlife helps by playing with it all.  I learned that the hard way.  Left a sack of trash on the porch once.  It was tied shut.  But in the morning the porch was a mess.  Live and learn.

    I saw a hawk flying in the pasture.  Cattle were not here, staying close to home and food.  Heard some song birds singing.

    Photos today are the ones I took this afternoon.  I had some old ones picked out but they can wait.



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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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