Monday, March 7, 2022

Wandering, 07 march 2022

     I woke up today to a cold house again.  My guy had just called before I realised it was not working again.  It was so nice to have heat again.  How much longer?  He has my part ordered but not here yet.  Sad.

    High today was mid 40s.  Some snow melted.  More forecast later in the week.  Then cold again.  Hope I have heat by then.  I slept so good in a warm bed.  Back to the sofa tonight.  Sad.

    My trash bins not only blew over they blew further north.  I just left them.  Stupid things.  My nephew is too busy to worry about my trash.  It is not going anywhere.  Maybe JR can come help me on a warm dry day!

    I had a doctor appt in Wichita but I did not go.  My luck there would be icy spots and I am not driving in a big city with a chance of bad roads.  Rescheduled.  Another appt with another doctor later this week.  I need that one badly.

    I had minutes from a meeting I was at 2 months ago.  And I could not find them.  So frustrating.  Think I am organised now.  I hope!!  I should just quit that association.  Doubt I would be missed.  Too stressful.

    Nothing exciting to write.  Some black and white photos today.  One of our "new" pet outside!  The photos of the wall cloud was quite a few years ago.  That is my husband watching it.  It was hard to take cover just awesome to see.  There were like 3 tornadoes that night.  We were ok but it was scary.  Damage was east and north of us.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...